Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Post #8

Progress this Week: 
The progress i have made this week is that I have almost finished my poster.

Learned About My Topic:
I have learnt that Batman was created by a Bat flying through Bruce's Window.

Learned About Myself:
I have learnt that I enjoy Batman more now that i know what he was originally supposed to be.

Need Now:

Next Week:
Next week i plan on finishing up my poster and finishing up my video.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Blog Post #7

The Progress i have made this week on my product is that i have finished my video and i am starting my Poster board.

I have learned that Batman was originally supposed to be a villain and a renaissance master.

I have learnt that i am more of a batman fan than i originally thought.

As of now i need nothing.

My plan for next week is to finish up my poster board and get everything on it.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blog Post #6

Has your research focused on the DRIVING QUESTION?

My research has focused on how Batman has changed in the last 75 Years. The changing of the Batsuits and the Batmobiles have changed just as much as anything. Also my research has focused with how the changing of the weapons and Batman himself has changed.

How has your research differed from the plan you created in your research proposal?

The plan i created in the proposal was to find certain changes and now i have expanded and got every possible change there is to Batman and my research has led me to many different things about Batman.

What do you need to change before we begin work on the final product next week?

I don't need to change anything before working on the final product.

What have been your mistakes?

My mistakes so far have been getting the dates work as to when the suits and car have changed.

What have been your successes?

My successes have been the amount of information that i have collected and the amount of details that i have found.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog Post #5

What I have learned about my topic?
I have learned that Batman was originally created to be a Hollywood Villain but the outfit design did not meet the standards of a villain. Batman was drawn by Bob Kane who was a very known artist that needed more work. 

What I have learned about American History?
Bruce Wayne witnessed the death of his parent and was forced to live with the mansion keeper Alfred. It was when Bruce had become older that he came face to face with bats and developed his fear. Bruce used his fear as a way for him to protect the citizens of Gotham.

Where do I go from here?
From here I will start preparing for my final product and gather all nessacary info that is needed 

My plan for next week ?
My plan for next week is to make a collage of batman changing over the years.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Blog Post #4

1) I have learnt that Batman was created in 1939 and that over the years the Batsuit and Batmobile have changed along with each decade.

4) From here I will reseach more about who created the first comic and who drew the first comic.

5) My plan for next week is to create a collage of how Batman has changed in 75 years.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blog post #3: My Resources

The DC Comics Encyclopedia

Page 38-39, 160-161, 66

DC Comics Sixty Years Of The Worlds Favorite Comic Book Heroes by Les Daniels
Page 32-43, 57, 70, 76-79, 126, 138-145, 157,190-191, 200-205, 208-210, 214-217, 220-223, 230-231, 234-235, 241, 243, 244-245, 248-249


PBS NewsHour
July 24, 2014

January 27, 2015

Billy Dee Williams
August 7, 2014

Bob Kane
June 23, 1989
Time 1:20

The Dark Knight 
Christopher Nolan
July 18, 2008 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Blog Post #2

The past week I have learnt that Batman was created in 1939 and never had a vehicle until 1941. Another thing I have learnt is that "Batman" comes from Bruce Wayne's fear of Bats.