Has your research focused on the DRIVING QUESTION?
My research has focused on how Batman has changed in the last 75 Years. The changing of the Batsuits and the Batmobiles have changed just as much as anything. Also my research has focused with how the changing of the weapons and Batman himself has changed.
How has your research differed from the plan you created in your research proposal?
The plan i created in the proposal was to find certain changes and now i have expanded and got every possible change there is to Batman and my research has led me to many different things about Batman.
What do you need to change before we begin work on the final product next week?
I don't need to change anything before working on the final product.
What have been your mistakes?
My mistakes so far have been getting the dates work as to when the suits and car have changed.
What have been your successes?
My successes have been the amount of information that i have collected and the amount of details that i have found.
You are doing great work! Keep it up! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!! I will probably use it as my example when I speak to teachers in February.